"DENS" Dental Surgery

PL-73150 Łobez, Wybickiego 5/16

Working hours: 11:00-14:00 and 15:00-19:00, Monday to Friday
Patients without prior appointment are welcomed after 17:00
Dentist Jerzy Januszkiewicz
First degree specialist in general dentistry
Scope of services : general dentistry, dental surgery, prosthetics

Phone: (091)3973020

Other private medical practices in Łobez:
Private Practice MEDICOR, Wybickiego Str. 5/10
Phone: (091)3973895
Andrzej Wysocki, internist
Mondays to Thursdays 9.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00

Andrzej Jarzemski, Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Mondays and Wednesdays 15.00-17.00
Phone: (091)3973895
Andrzej Miczko, Oncological Surgeon
Fridays 15.00-17.00
Phone: (091)3973895
Marcin Słojewski, Surgeon and Urologist
First Saturday of the month 11.00-13.00
Phone: (091)3973895
73-150 Łobez, Sikorskiego Street 6 (building of the District Clinic)
Working hours 16:00-17:00
Internist Helena Leszczyk
Tuesdays, Thursdays- consulting room 115
Pediatrician Ryszarda Szałkiewicz
Tuesdays, Thursdays - consulting room 11
Neurologist Danuta Sadowska
Mondays, Wednesdays - consulting room 127
Internist Grzegorz Bajerowicz
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - consulting room 128
Other dentists rendering private dental services in Łobez:
Danuta Cybulska,
Beata Danowska,
Grzegorz Pobłocki,
Bożena Wilczura.
Links to Polish medical sites (and others too):
Poland on the net

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